For homeowners in Owens Cross Roads, foundation stability can be compromised by the expansive clay soil that is prevalent in the area. This soil expands when wet, especially during the region's rainy seasons, and contracts during dry periods, causing stress on foundation walls. With an average annual rainfall of 56 inches, it is common for the ground around homes to swell, leading to cracks and unevenness in the foundation. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs like foundation cracks, misaligned doors and windows, and tilting chimneys. AFS provides effective solutions such as wall anchor systems and piers to stabilize your foundation and prevent further damage.
AFS Foundation Repair & Waterproofing Specialists (AFS), a Groundworks Company, is your trusted partner for foundation repair in Owens Cross Roads. We offer high-quality services tailored to the unique needs of homeowners in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Our experienced technicians utilize advanced products and provide national warranties, ensuring your foundation is restored and remains secure for years to come.
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