Interior Leaks
Basement waterproofing is nothing if not a complicated process. What do you need to know about interior leaks causing basement water problems?

Interior Leaks
Of all the basement waterproofing problems you might have, interior leaks can be some of the most frustrating. This is largely because there’s not anything you can do to stop it. You just have to know how to manage your interior leaks once they occur. However, if there’s any good news about the problem, it’s this: You can manage them very effectively. Here’s what you need to know about handling your interior basement leaks.

Why Do Interior Leaks Occur?
There is a range of causes of interior basement leaks. Anytime water comes into the basement from the inside of your home, that’s an interior leak. Here are a few of the most common reasons you might experience interior leaks.
- Poor Plumbing
If you have low-quality plumbing in the basement, you might experience interior leaks. This can happen if a plumber didn’t ensure that all the connections in your plumbing were strong. If this low-quality plumbing exists anywhere in your home, those connections can burst surprisingly easily.
- Old Pipes
Over time, the plumbing in your home degrades and breaks down. It’s one of the reasons you should make sure you’re always paying attention to your regular inspections. Natural entropy is something that will happen with all plumbing, but if you pay attention to the pipes’ age and condition, you’ll be less likely to have piping issues.
- Frozen Pipes
What if you live in a cold area? You probably already know you might end up with frozen pipes from time to time. Frozen pipes can be an extremely serious problem because the water pressure can build up in strange areas in the pipes. You might end up with a pipe bursting from the excessive water pressure.
- Unintentional Movement
Did you accidentally move one of the pipes in your home? It’s not uncommon for someone to bump a pipe accidentally or jostle a screw without thinking about it. This unintentional movement won’t always cause problems for your piping, but it definitely can. Always keep an eye out any time you’re around exposed piping.
- Natural Disaster
If there was recently a natural disaster in the area, chances are that you’ve had some sort of damage both inside and outside the home. Natural disasters can cause a variety of damage types, but one type of damage that can occur is piping problems. This is especially true if you had an earthquake or hurricane, which can directly impact piping, but other types of natural disasters can also cause piping concerns.
- Rain and Flooding
In many situations, rain and flooding cause external flooding. However, what happens if you experience rain and flooding that enters the home? You might end up with water coming into the basement from the ceiling as it floods your entire home.
Solutions That Fit Into Your Life
How Can I Most Effectively Handle Interior Leaks in My Basement?
Handling interior leaks in the basement is a process. It’s not a one-step procedure that you can do anytime you experience an interior leak. Here are the things that you need to do if you want to make sure an interior leak doesn’t seriously harm your basement.
- Basement Sump Pump
A basement sump pump should be one of the most important things you prioritize for your basement. Even if you’re great with basement waterproofing, you still may not be able to prevent internal leaks.
This is where a sump pump can be an effective way of avoiding basement concerns. Sure, you can’t just put a basement sump pump in and say that you have a fully waterproofed basement. However, a basement sump pump is a great way of avoiding issues with internal and external water problems.
- Basement Dehumidifier
What happens when the water from a leak is technically gone, but the humidity from the standing water stays behind? The best way to tackle this problem is with a basement dehumidifier. As with a basement sump pump, the dehumidifier isn’t a one-stop fix; you can’t use it to make your basement suddenly healthy if it currently has all sorts of problems with moisture. However, it’s a great addition to an existing basement waterproofing system.
Remember that a basement dehumidifier is very different from a generalized dehumidifier. Basement dehumidifiers tend to be much more powerful because basements tend to be so big. Additionally, it’s common for them to be more energy-efficient because otherwise, you might use a lot of energy with your basement dehumidifier running frequently.
- Regular Inspections
Last, but certainly not least, you need to think about how regular inspections will make your basement healthier. No one wants to schedule regular inspections for the basement. However, it is a crucial element of basement health. Regular inspections are a great way for you to see what’s going on in your basement and what you might need to pay more attention to.
It’s a good idea to get inspections at least once every year. Additionally, if you notice anything that you think might be a problem, you may want to consider whether to bring in a basement repair expert from Groundworks to weigh in on the problem. With your self-inspections and a Groundworks expert’s professional inspections, you’ll be able to keep your basement as healthy as possible.
FAQs About Interior Basement Leaks
Interior basement leaks are frustrating to handle at the best of times. It’s best to make sure that you’re avoiding them as much as possible. With all these elements combined, it’s less likely that you’ll end up with an interior leak that harms your basement.
- Prevention
Inspections are typically your best way to minimize interior basement leaks. With regular inspections, you’ll know more about your basement, which means you’ll be able to prepare for any leaks that might be on the horizon. You could even prevent some of these leaks by replacing parts that look like they might die soon.
Remember, even if you don’t think the problem is as bad as it could be, you must invest in tools that will help you prevent future concerns. Even just a little bit of water in your basement or crawl space could be extremely dangerous. You need to make sure that you’re avoiding water problems, as a single mismanaged water problem could end up becoming a mold or mildew infestation.
- Add Tools for Better Waterproofing
You can also minimize these leaks by installing tools that can help you get around them, like sump pumps and dehumidifiers. In general, complete crawl space encapsulation is the best option if you’re looking to waterproof your basement against both types of leaks. However, this may be a bit different for each basement.
Many tools can help you with your waterproofing needs. Talk to a sump pump expert from Groundworks to learn more about which tools will work best for waterproofing. Getting help from an expert is typically going to be the best way to ensure that you’re getting the right information regarding your fixes.
Interior basement leaks can cause significant damage to your home. They can lead to mold growth, increased humidity, and higher energy bills, making them more problematic than exterior leaks. To prevent ongoing issues, it’s crucial to address the source of the leak, not just the symptoms. Ignoring the root cause will only result in continued damage and increased costs.
It’s possible to have an interior and exterior leak simultaneously. Don’t assume that you can only have issues with interior leaks or exterior leaks. If you have a basement or crawl space, you need to make sure you’re waterproofing it against both interior and exterior leaks.
- Types of Interior and Exterior Leaks
Interior and exterior leaks have different sources. For example, if a pipe on the inside of your home has burst, spilling water everywhere, but your egress window is also leaking because of significant amounts of rain outside, you’re experiencing both interior and exterior basement leaks. Dealing with both is important.
The fixes for these types of leaks will typically be very different, but equally important. You can’t just assume that the fix will be the same, but some things will help regardless of where the leak is coming from. A professional will be able to help you parse through your options and apply the cleanest, fastest, and least costly solution.
- How to Help with Both Types of Leaks
Regardless of where the water is coming from, the procedure for fixing the leak tends to be the same. First, mitigate the source of the leak if possible, then remove the standing water from the basement and keep it dry. This is a great option for both interior and exterior leaks.
It’s also important to invest in protection for your basement or crawl space. For example, a crawl space vapor barrier will help you avoid condensation from humidity that comes up from the dirt, but it’ll also make it much easier to isolate any standing water that occurs due to serious leaks in the basement or crawl space.
Basement leak repairs require attention both inside or outside the home, but mostly on the inside. Exterior forces are pushing in against your home, and the water gets through the cracks these forces create. Waterproofing and reinforcing your basement walls from the inside is the primary action you need to take to effectively prevent basement moisture issues. Exterior waterproofing methods like so-called “french drains” don’t offer a permanent solution to the problem, but some exterior excavation may be necessary to install interior, permanent solutions. It is best to contact a basement professional for waterproofing repairs.
Manage Your Interior Basement Leaks More Easily with an Expert’s Help
Interior basement leaks are frustrating and extremely annoying to deal with as a homeowner. However, you don’t have to tackle these leaks alone. If you want to make it easier to manage interior basement leaks, you just have to get help. Who better to help with basement waterproofing problems than a basement waterproofing expert?
Whether you have ongoing problems with interior leaks that impact your basement or you’re just hoping to avoid these problems in the future, a Groundworks expert can help. Talk to a basement waterproofing expert today to get more information about your options.