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Grated Drainage Pipe

A grated drainage pipe system can be helpful in controlling the impact of basement leaking.

Grated Drainage Pipe installed at the threshold of a basement

Basement Waterproofing with Grated Drain Pipes

Grated French Drain 3D

How can you waterproof your basement effectively? An interior drain system may be the best way forward. This is the ideal solution for preserving a dry basement without unsightly drainage networks.

If you have a walk-out basement, hatchway, exterior stairs leading to the basement, or another unique basement set-up, a grated drainage pipe is a visible grate in your home’s entryway that catches water before it can enter. It lies flush or slightly below the floor, which eliminates tripping hazards.

Other drainage pipes can rust or become clogged with annoying frequency. Repairing such problems can be costly and time-consuming. Get ahead of such trouble by investing in a grated drainpipe system, the ultimate subterranean anti-clog drainage system. Let’s explore how it can improve and safeguard your home.

What is a Grated Drain?

Like our AquaStop BasementGutter™ interior drainage system, our grated drain is a type of French drain. This system, however, looks like half of a basement drainage pipe and features a grated opening that snugly fits on top. Our grated drain is specifically designed to span doorways, hatchway entrances, and similar entryway doors including garages. It also is designed to connect to your interior perimeter drainage system like AquaStop BasementGutter™ so that any water passing over the drain is collected through the openings, channeled through the rest of the drainage system, and redirected to your sump pump.

What Sets Grated Drains Apart?

Grated drainage systems are helpful solutions for homes of all kinds, as they are uniquely adaptable to many types of scenarios. Groundworks only uses tried and tested products that have proven themselves as capable, high-quality solutions.

  • Serviceable 

One might think that a subterranean drain system would be difficult to service. Our grated drainage system is serviceable year-round. Our technicians can remove the grated top with ease to test, clean, and flush the system to make sure it stays in full, operating condition.

  • Anti-Clog Design 
Individual shot of grated drainage pipe

Clogs can quickly cause backwash and flooding, leading to many problems. Ineffective drainage systems are common culprits for basement flooding. Installing drains that are anti-clog is essential, especially for homes that have consistent water leaks. The grated drainage system that Groundworks uses has an anti-clog construction that makes it resistant to blockages.

  • Durable Construction 

We believe that when it comes to basement waterproofing, products must be able to withstand the stressors of their job. All of our AquaStop basement waterproofing products are made from high-quality, durable plastic. This allows the pipe network to perform consistently.

Subterrain pipes must also be capable of withstanding the pressure of the earth and concrete that seals them within the floor. 

Why Does Basement Waterproofing Matter?

Protecting your basement from leaks and standing water does more than keep the space dry. It prevents several problems from occurring, including wood rot, mold, pests, water damage, and structural damage.

Each of these water-related problems has the potential to make your home unsafe or uncomfortable to live in by contaminating the air and making it unhealthy to breathe, causing indoor humidity and temperatures to rise, or causing structural damage that compromises the house’s integrity.

Waterproofing your basement protects it and your home. Ideally, technicians would install basement waterproofing solutions during the construction of your home. Not all homes are built with these considerations, though, meaning homeowners need to set this in motion themselves.

Not resolving basement leaking will cause issues down the line, and could potentially risking the security and stability of your home.

What If I Already Have Basement Drains?

If your basement already has drains and you’re still seeing water problems, they may not be working effectively. Not all drain systems are made equal, and some drains have a limited lifespan due to being made from inferior materials. Here are some main reasons for basement drains that don’t work.

  •  Issues Over Time

When the drain was originally installed, it may have been perfectly suitable. Over time, the basement leaking may have further developed, increasing the amount of water that needs to be drained away. A new drain system can help, as can installing a sump pump to push the water along faster. While it might not seem like it, even drains have a lifespan. 

Over time they can become clogged, rusted, or corroded, and of course, any damage to your basement flooring or your foundation could very well impact your drains. These forces can lead to cracks and gaps that let water escape into your home or the soil around it. As such, updating your drain system is a great idea when you have recurring dampness problems. 

  • Poor Design

Certain drain systems may also ineffectively catch water in the first place. Many drains rely on the water finding its way toward a grated opening. This can be inefficient when the basement itself lays flat and doesn’t have a slope to direct water toward the drains. A system such as this also means that water can still inflict damage on any items or furniture kept in the basement.

A new drainage system, placed to gather up water as it spills into your home will go a long way towards mitigating any damage that even a severe flood might do. That’s why it’s so important to have a professional involved in the process of choosing and installing the right drains into your home. They will make sure you get everything right the first time.

Install The Ultimate Basement Waterproofing System

Waterproofing your basement is an important step to take for any homeowner. This is especially true for those in climates that are warm, damp, or that frequently see heavy rainfall throughout the year. All of this excess moisture means homes need a way to drain this water away. Not doing so results in basement leaking and the many problems it causes.

A grated drainage pipe system can be a helpful tool if your walkout basement, hatchway, or garage frequently leaks. An anti-clog design and durable plastic body make this product the ultimate solution for basement waterproofing. To learn if our grated drainage system is right for your basement, get in touch with our experts today.

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