Concrete Lifting Solutions
If you've noticed cracking or settling of the concrete slabs surrounding your home, it might be due to the amount of rainfall or soil type underneath it. Here's the solutions we offer to restore it back to it's original stability.
Concrete lifting can be a crucial tool for your home’s health and well-being. However, many homeowners don’t know about concrete lifting or its benefits. It’s also common not to know that concrete lifting can be different for different areas. The good news is that with a Groundworks expert to help, concrete lifting doesn’t have to be confusing and upsetting. Instead, it can be an excellent solution for your home.
There are many potential solutions Groundworks offers when it comes to concrete lifting. Here are some of the most prominent ones.
Pool Deck Repair
It’s also common for pool decks to have serious problems. Not only are pool decks outside, leaving them at a higher risk for weather issues but they’re also surrounded by water in the form of the pool. That means many pool decks frequently have water pressure impacting the deck itself. Concrete pool deck repair often requires that you maintain some waterproofing throughout your pool deck whenever possible.
Concrete Step Repair
Do you have steps around your home? One of the biggest problems that may occur with steps is sinking problems. The soil underneath your steps can start sinking in, causing them to start cracking and moving around, which is one of the most frustrating things that can occur. Stabilizing the concrete underneath the steps is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you never have a problem stepping up into your home.
Concrete Porch Repair
As with patios, porches can be at high risk for issues because of weather exposure. One of the most significant differences between porches and patios, however, is the fact that a porch is usually high off the ground. In contrast, a patio generally rests directly on the ground. That means the root cause of your porch concrete problems is likely the concrete underneath the porch.
Concrete Sidewalk Repair
Sidewalks are prone to concrete issues. This is because sidewalks usually consist of multiple concrete slabs that sit edge to edge. There are many different ways a concrete sidewalk can have problems, including sinking, shifting, and cracking. When you have a concrete sidewalk around your home, you must do whatever you can to avoid the concrete issues you might otherwise have.
Concrete Floor Repair
If you have concrete floors in any area of your home, you may end up with sinking concrete. It’s surprisingly common for homeowners to have issues with concrete floors, especially in the basement or outdoor concrete. Repairing the floor is complex because you need to lift the area and make sure it’s stable enough to walk on as soon as possible, which is why Groundworks uses polyurethane foam injections for it.
Driveway Repair
Because your driveway typically consists of multiple concrete slabs laid next to other concrete slabs, it’s important to make sure the concrete stays level and doesn’t push up against those other concrete slabs. It’s imperative because mismatched concrete in your driveway can cause damage to your car. Make sure that your driveway stays level with concrete lifting steps to ensure a high-quality driveway experience every time.
Concrete Patio Repair
Patios are another common place to find concrete, and it’s also where concrete most often faces the most severe problems. Patios are outside, which means they’re under a lot of stress from the weather, and they’re usually holding up a lot of weight from the rest of the home. With these two factors combined, it’s common for patios to need concrete lifting and stabilization services to stay healthy and safe.
Garage Floor Repair
Garages almost always keep their concrete floor even if you decorate them. Concrete garage floors also typically need to withstand a lot of weight, which means they can end up sinking very easily. You need a repair option that keeps your concrete floor lifted regardless of the weight on top of it.
FAQs About Concrete Lifting Solutions
Although SettleStop PolyRenewal™ is quickly becoming the most well-known way to lift concrete, it’s not the only option out there. Other concrete lifting solutions include mudjacking, which is also called slabjacking, and total slab replacement. However, there are problems with these concrete lifting solutions, which is one of the reasons homeowners have started to move more toward SettleStop PolyRenewal™.
- Mudjacking or Slabjacking
For many years, mudjacking or slabjacking was the most well-known method of fixing concrete sinking. However, it’s an extremely messy process that can leave patched holes in your concrete. Its extreme weight will also drag your concrete down and make it uneven again.
As you can see, even though it’s traditional, this option is very clunky and difficult to use. That means it’s not a great choice now that there are better alternatives.
- Total Slab Replacement
Total slab replacement can be helpful if your concrete is broken beyond repair. However, as a method of just fixing concrete sinking, it’s both expensive and time-consuming. The new slabs can take days or even weeks to properly cure, and the soil underneath will not be improved at all.
Complete slab replacement might be beneficial in some areas, but it’s not in many others. When you’re looking for the best way to lift concrete, slab replacement isn’t the right option.
- Reasons to Choose AquaStop PolyRenewal™
The SettleStop PolyRenewal™ solution is special in that it’s easy to apply, quick to cure, and effective in fixing the problem. Plus, SettleStop PolyRenewal™ won’t degrade over time, doesn’t compromise the soil underneath it, and is waterproof.
As you can see, SettleStop PolyRenewal™ is one of the best options for you to utilize. It’s a much more cost-effective solution for concrete sinking, and it’ll permanently lift and stabilize your home’s concrete.
If you’re a DIY fiend, you’ve probably considered just fixing the cracked concrete yourself. Although this might seem like a useful way to get the most out of your money, it’s just going to cause a lot of wasted time and energy. DIY fixes, quite simply, are not as effective as expert fixes. You’ll quickly come to understand this if you make the mistake of trying to DIY your concrete cracks.
- The Problem with DIY Fixes
The main problem with trying to DIY your concrete fixes is that it’s much more difficult than you probably think. Concrete repairs are not as simple as covering the cracks with plaster or other materials. These cracks are often a sign of larger issues within your foundation itself.
Most homeowners just don’t have the equipment to properly repair their foundations, which means you’re likely not going to fix the real problems. That can lead to more expensive and more time-consuming repairs in the future.
- Getting Help from an Expert
Leaving concrete lifting and repair to the experts is your best option. They will offer you permanent solutions so you never have to worry about uneven or cracked concrete or foundational issues ever again.
Not only does this mean that you won’t accidentally create a worse problem in your home, but it also means you can rest assured the problem will get a fix. Talk to a Groundworks expert to learn more about your options for repairing your home’s cracked and uneven concrete.
Lift and Stabilize Your Concrete More Effectively With an Expert’s Help
Lifting and stabilizing concrete can be a frustrating endeavor if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, on the other hand, if you do know what you’re doing, the process of lifting concrete can make it much easier for you to maintain your home aesthetically and structurally. That’s why you need an expert to help you with the living and stabilization process.
If you’re in a position where you have to lift your home’s concrete, regardless of where that lifting need is or how serious the problem is, an expert can help. A concrete repair expert can assess the issue, help you formulate a plan to fix it, and enable you to execute that plan flawlessly no matter what the problem is.
Get your concrete back to stability!
Disclaimer: “Concrete leveling” means the process by which cracked, uneven concrete is stabilized, and in many cases lifted, by means of PolyRenewal™ polyurethane foam. Groundworks does not guarantee that PolyRenewal™ can make your concrete perfectly level.